Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bass 129

Bass129 at style a thon San Diego on Saturday. Great event thrown by Writers Blok with support of Ironlak, Wild Style Technicians and the Crown Royals..

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sabotaz Review Now Posted Here!

OK here's my short review:

I ordered about a dozen cans from OInk dot com. They arrived very quick and in less that a week, with a bunch of extra stuff too, which was nice. Some stickers, a black mop with ink already in it, a bunch of yellow fat caps and a couple rusto female to male converters. So big props on the shipping and packing.

The first thing I noticed was that the cans seem to have a two stage valve which sprays at a lower pressure if pressed partially down and at a higher pressure when pressed all the way down. It took a bit of getting used to, but once I did, I was able to get nice consistent thin lines with the lower pressure. All the cans sprayed well and were consistent with the color on the top donuts. So it was very reliable and did not clog any more caps than usual. I found the yellow universal type cap to work the best for outlining like in the picture above. The one complaint I have is with the opacity of the paint, as some of you noted above. You have to use a couple coats in some cases to achieve full coverage. This means your paint will not last as long doing the same task as it would with a more opaque paint such as MTN. For instance I can outline an entire medium to largish (for me) sized piece with a solid 3-D with one can of MTN Hardcore. With this stuff I was able to pull it off, but I had to stretch it to the last drop and keep my 3-d a little more shallow than I would have liked. You'll need two cans of your outline color to make it happen with a larger piece.

Shipping: A+ (oink)
Colors: A-
Coverage: C
Valve system:B

Monday, November 18, 2013

Savor The Daze Corpus Christi TX

This weekend I had the opportunity to paint in Corpus Christi Texas with Izze and Sake for the Savor the Daze event thrown by the staff of Get Use 2 it shop. Good times. I'll post up more photos of the complete production once the smoke clears

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Zone in LA 2013

Zone in LA 2013 by zoneism
Zone in LA 2013, a photo by zoneism on Flickr.

Here's a piece I did last month for breast cancer awareness month. My first time painting a female character I was happy with how it came out.